Name: Scott Crawford
Job Title: Executive Pastor
Year started at Morningside: 2002
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 119:59-64
Fun fact about yourself: As a student manager, and student assistant, I’ve been part of four NCAA Women’s Basketball Big South Conference championship teams with Liberty University, and been to the NCAA Tournament (final 64) four times. I have also played the violin at Wembley in London England, and have been in two live worship album recordings with Ron Kenoly and Don Moen. I get to serve at the Chaplin for the New York Mets during Spring Training.
A short blurb about you & your ministry:
Don't ever believe the lie that God can't use you, and don't ever let anyone tell you God doesn't have a sense of humor. I received a "D" in speech class as a freshman at Liberty University. My professor told me to never take a job that required public speaking. I listened, and I planned to work in the public sector after graduation, but God had other plans. My job fell through, and I found myself teaching fifth grade, and then middle school math at Morningside. In time, God began to draw me to the pastoral side of ministry, even though it's something I said I would never do. Today, twenty years later, I speak weekly, not because I'm good at it, or because I desire to be on stage, but because I know clearly that God has equipped, enabled, and called me do so as I have been obedient to follow where He leads. I love people and the diversity that God has created. Each day, I am thankful that God has given me this privilege to serve.
Love God. Love People. Make Disciples.